We are excited to partner with Alliance for Nevada Nonprofits (ANN) to prepare nonprofit organizations for federal grant award audits.
The influx of CARES Act dollars and other federal funding was a lifeline for many nonprofit organizations and the recipients of their services but may have come with an unexpected new challenge. Most nonprofit organizations that expend $750,000 or more of federal funding during their calendar or fiscal year are required to undergo a financial statement audit and an audit of the federal award expenditures. Join Jessica Sayles and Jaqueline Matthew as they break down these requirements and get you ready for your federal grant award audit.
When: February 18, 2021 at 12:00 (Noon) PM Pacific Time
Webinar Topic: Federal Grant Award Audits – Are You Ready?
Cost: Free to ANN Members, $20 for Non-members
Register For The Webinar: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/federal-grant-award-audits-are-you-ready-registration-139720843805